
Louise Truc

Athens • Greece

Louise Truc - Paris Ass Book Fair

In 2021 Louise Truc, originally from France and living in Greece since 2018, co-created Lalava, a collective workshop and socio-cultural center. Encounters and their multicultural contexts feed her imagination. The feeling of belonging as well as that of exclusion are subjects that interest her and that she approaches with a playful and sometimes acidic tone. Her stories are inspired by everyday life and political events, which she seeks to emphasize and distort. Her comic strip La Fille-qui-baise-les-montagnes [The Girl Who Fucks The Mountains] is an erotico-philosophical tale about a giantess’s journey of self-discovery. Her series The Tongue illustrates the experience of learning a language, which feels like hitting the wall and opening a door. Her latest project, Bromios, is an adaptation of Euripides’ Bacchae, which tackles the concept of free will.