Special projects
Corentin Darré
When The Night Falls Down, I Wait For You And You Come Around
Presented by CONGRATS! Team

Corentin Darré, When The Night Falls Down, I Wait For You And You Come Around, 2022
When The Night Falls Down, I Wait For You And You Come Around, 2022, is a virtual reality installation devoid of characters and action. It proposes, through an immersive visual and sound experience, to dive into symbolic places, theatres of LGBTphobic aggressions. In this way, the artist invites the spectators to commemorate all the victims while leaving room for each person’s memory of their own experience of violence.
Corentin Darré lives and works in Paris. His work revolves around our relationship with the digital world, the changes it brings about and the new fractures it creates. He mixes installation, sculpture, video, publishing and computer-generated images in sensitive and fictional narratives. The contemporary mythologies he invokes question the “self” in its relationship to love, sex and violence.