Les commissaires anonymes
Cluny • France

Photo: Fabrique de Théâtre / © Stephen Vincke
Les commissaires anonymes is a curatorial and editorial unit that brings together the curator Mathilde Sauzet and the graphic designers Charles Beauté and Juliette Goiffon. They publish textual and graphic essays taking into account unclassifiable practices,interdisciplinary exchanges, and the plasticity of knowledge. Eldorado Maximum, L’île des réunions, Ghettopéra, Prose postérieure, Pilote, Vikhi Vhavek and Copiez ce livre make up the eclectic encyclopedia Stimuli. Inspired as much by Que sais-je? as by Copains des bois, the collection brings together research into art and design that deals with societal objects and that takes experimental, poetic and graphic forms. On the occasion of PABF, Les Commissaires anonymes celebrate the release of the French translation of Copy This Book, by Eric Schrijver, in his presence.