Huo Rf est artiste, l’un des co-fondateurs du collectif d’artistes Signs of Time, ainsi qu’un des co-fondateurs et l’organisateur des plateformes en ligne border_less et border_less Art Book Days. Son travail navigue entre les multiples définitions du Je au moyen de livres d’artistes, d’expositions et d’œuvres d’art. Sa dernière publication s’inscrit dans la série Stories in Reverse—Create Your Own Homotopia.
Huo Rf is an artist and one of the co-founders of the Signs of Time artist collective, as well as co-founder and manager of online platforms border_less and border_less Art Book Days. Huo Rf’s work navigates the boundaries between definitions of the Self through artist books, exhibitions and artworks. Huo Rf’s last publication is a continuation of the book and the series Stories in Reverse—Create Your Own Homotopia.